What is Your Gratitude Quotient?

“Mardi, you are spending too much of your time focused on “what isn’t” and way too little time & energy appreciating ‘what is’ –  you know, all that you are and all that you have.” This thought popped into my mind one night — I’d recently been thinking of writing a blog about gratitude. This…

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Are You Satisfied?

Is this a trick question? You might think so after you read my thoughts on the subject. Maybe the more relevant question is, “Do you want to feel satisfied, and what are you willing to do about it?” We all have our wish lists of things we want, our dreams – right? Where are you…

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Do You Have Destination Addiction?

  Just keep your eye on the prize! What are your goals for this year? How about — I want to lose 10 pounds by Christmas? I need to sell 20 houses this year. Or, I have to make $100,000 this year. Our lists of goals and destinations are endless.. We are a goal fixated society,…

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The Art of Listening to Myself

  What I really want to talk with you about is Self Talk. But before we can become a master of our Self Talk  we need to learn the Art of Listening. Here’s why. We have 50 – 60,0000 thoughts a day. Add to that the fact that 80% of our mind/thinking is below the conscious…

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Unexpected Gift Brings Huge Lessons

It was 1983 when I first heard myself say, “I want to be authentic.” At the time I didn’t even know what being authentic meant or what had motivated me to say these words. Now, looking back over these 35 years, it is crystal clear – my inner voice, the voice of Source, was speaking…

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“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new world, and I’m Feelin’ Good.” I love this song! But then, why wouldn’t I, since I believe it would be a challenge to find anything more important than Feelin’ Good? There might be some might who say this sounds selfish – that life should…

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Are You Ready for the Next Level?

Introducing my new book: Who’s Pulling My Strings? Companion Writing Journal: A Self-discovery Adventure & Journey to Becoming Free. I wish I’d had a map like this to guide me along the road of my journey to becoming free of being a puppet. I am so excited about this creation! It turned out far better…

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Celebrating Independence Day!

Being that tomorrow is a day of celebrating the Independence of the United States in 1776, it just seems fitting to spend a few moments thinking about Personal Independence. I looked up the original Declaration of Independence to get a clear reading of the message that I might find good to apply what goes on…

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Are You Comparing and Should-ing?

Ever find yourself feeling the agony of comparing yourself to someone else and their success and judging yourself as less than? Of course — you’re a human on planet earth. Until we start listening to our inner conversations and stop the debilitating dialogue, Comparing and Should-ing is what we do. How about a new perspective…

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Sharing My Secret Magic Wand!

We’re not talking fairytales here – but I am talking about creating magic. You can do it, too. This magic wand is a pen. It’s not just any old pen. It’s a pen with a point that feels really good when it rolls the ink onto a page – like the page of a journal. Journal?!…

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