“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new world, and I’m Feelin’ Good.”

I love this song! But then, why wouldn’t I, since I believe it would be a challenge to find anything more important than Feelin’ Good?

There might be some might who say this sounds selfish – that life should be about being of service and helping others. Ok – and my question back is, “what’s wrong with Feelin’ Good in the process?” What is the quality of my service if I am feeling bad?”

Maybe, it would be good to define what Feelin’ Good means.

I had the opportunity to learn a life lesson about Feelin’ Good a few weeks ago. A good friend and fellow realtor in my office died unexpectedly. As we dedicated our office meeting that week to remembering this well loved man and sharing memories, a lot of tears and the energy of sadness flowed in the room – it was a beautiful moment. And, I sat there and realized, “I’m Feelin’ Good. There was so much love in the room – everyone’s heart was open. My heart was wide open.

That’s the moment I became aware of my meaning of Feelin’ Good

“I am living with my heart wide open — open to accept this moment fully.”


Feelin’ Good doesn’t necessarily mean I am feeling happy and having fun all of the time, or even that everything is going just the way I want. I believe that  is a way of saying, “I’m not in resistance to this moment, I am accepting and at willing to be at peace with life as it is.”

There are a lot of things happening in our world today that don’t feel good. There is a lot of hate being expressed in high and low places. I don’t particularly like it. In fact a part of me does want to judge it. It’s a challenge for me to stay neutral when I read hatred from “friends” on both political sides on Facebook – just sayin.’

Feeling bad for a friend who’s having a hard time doesn’t help anyone either. I can’t feel bad enough for anyone to make them feel good. In the past I’ve heard myself say, “I really feel bad — he is going through a hard time right now.” I believe we mistakenly think that feeling bad for someone is a sign of caring. It makes me want to parrot Dr. Phil and ask myself, “and how’s that working for you?”

My feeling bad is not going to change anything that’s going on in this world. The only chance I have of really making a positive change anywhere is to remember:

1.     I am ENERGY, and it is constantly radiating out into the world.

2.     If I want everyone to Feel Good, pay attention to what I am sending out.

3.     I am the creator of how I feel – I have a choice of how I am going to respond to every situation.


I think what often gets in the way of Feelin’ Good is believing we don’t deserve it. Somewhere inside our mind we are harboring thoughts of unworthiness that make us put a governor on how much good we allow ourselves to receive.

Here’s my bottom line on the subject of Feelin’ Good. If by definition it means living with an open heart this means living with a heart open to me – and this means putting no limits on how much good I can receive.


And this Old World
Is a New World
And a Bold World
        For Me
And I Feel so Good!


  1. Mike Race on July 31, 2018 at 6:46 pm

    Well said!

  2. Mardi Kirkland on July 31, 2018 at 6:55 pm

    Hey — thanks Mike! Just writing what I’m feeling. I’m glad you appreciate it.

  3. Nancy on August 1, 2018 at 9:47 pm

    Enjoying your blog Mardi!

    • Mardi Kirkland on August 1, 2018 at 10:38 pm

      Thanks, Nancy. Just sharing what’s on my mind and hoping it resonates. So satisfying to get the feedback!

  4. Melany Declet on March 14, 2019 at 2:27 am

    I’d constantly want to be update on new posts on this web site, saved to my bookmarks! .

    • Mardi Kirkland on March 14, 2019 at 6:54 pm

      You’ve just motivated me to get busy and start writing again!

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