Posts Tagged ‘authentic’
What is Your Gratitude Quotient?
“Mardi, you are spending too much of your time focused on “what isn’t” and way too little time & energy appreciating ‘what is’ – you know, all that you are and all that you have.” This thought popped into my mind one night — I’d recently been thinking of writing a blog about gratitude. This…
Read MoreThe Art of Listening to Myself
What I really want to talk with you about is Self Talk. But before we can become a master of our Self Talk we need to learn the Art of Listening. Here’s why. We have 50 – 60,0000 thoughts a day. Add to that the fact that 80% of our mind/thinking is below the conscious…
Read MoreUnexpected Gift Brings Huge Lessons
It was 1983 when I first heard myself say, “I want to be authentic.” At the time I didn’t even know what being authentic meant or what had motivated me to say these words. Now, looking back over these 35 years, it is crystal clear – my inner voice, the voice of Source, was speaking…
Read MoreAre You Comparing and Should-ing?
Ever find yourself feeling the agony of comparing yourself to someone else and their success and judging yourself as less than? Of course — you’re a human on planet earth. Until we start listening to our inner conversations and stop the debilitating dialogue, Comparing and Should-ing is what we do. How about a new perspective…
Read MoreHow do you know if you are Authentic?
What a question! I had to ask myself this after reading an article on EQ (emotional intelligence), which was actually a discussion on what it means to be genuine – or as I like to call it, being authentic. It was written by Travis Bradberry, co-founder of TalentSmart, and co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0. It’s not…
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