More About Being Child-like

Last week I wrote about being too serious – about trying too hard to do it right – and just maybe what we need to do is “lighten up.” Long after hitting the PUBLISH button, I found myself continuing to muse on the words of Jesus at the end, “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

I asked myself, “what are these child-like qualities the gain me entrance into the kingdom of heaven?” How do I act? How do I respond to life?” You can’t just recommend to your readers to do something and not give an idea of how.

The only thing to do was consult my resident expert on child-like qualities – my inner magical child. We all have the gift of this magical child within us. Most likely you know yours, and if you don’t or you’ve forgotten him or her, now is the time to get acquainted – or as in my case last week — re-acquainted.

This inner magical child within you is the pure, innocent and unadulterated child before you were subjected to the programming and conditioning that seems inevitable in this earth life. The conversations you have with this child are fun — and enlightening.

I asked my magical child to help me make a list of what is important to her and to give me a list of some of the qualities she embraces. Here are a few things she came up with.

  1. All I care about is right NOW. I look at every moment with a sense of wonder!
  2. I don’t bother thinking about yesterday, or even this morning – that’s old news and I am busy making what’s happening NOW special.
  3. Worrying and talking about the future doesn’t make sense to me. I only comprehend NOW. I don’t understand fretting about what hasn’t happened – maybe won’t happen.
  4. I do get angry sometimes – it comes quickly, I usually let anyone around me know I am angry, and in the next moment it’s gone. I am on to the next moment.
  5. I can easily be distracted when something is making me unhappy. Just give me a new thought to focus on.
  6. When I have chores to do that aren’t my favorite, I find a different way to think about it – usually I make up a game so that it can be fun instead of a chore.
  7. I love to imagine and play pretend. That’s when I let my mind float out into space and see what exciting things appear. It’s fun to see what I create with my imagination.

More than anything I want to play and have fun. No matter what I am doing I want to have a good time.

This is a short list – it’s just a beginning. It’s fun catching myself being serious and having a good time practicing it.

We hope it will perk your magical child’s imagination – that you will have additions to the list.

Consider this an Interactive Blog – we would love to have you add to the list with your comments below.


  1. Kevin on June 14, 2018 at 5:26 am

    That was a wonderful lesson, Mardi. We should all listen to that inner “Magical” child and remember that feeling of pure joy that we felt as children. Whoever said we were supposed to stop feeling that?

    • Mardi Kirkland on June 14, 2018 at 7:31 am

      Thanks Kevin. You mean those people who told us to “grow up?!” Life isn’t nearly as much fun when I forget and leave her behind.

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