Making a turn-around
They say you teach best what you most need to learn – and I believe this is true. Well, in the last couple of days this lesson showed up so close in my face that I couldn’t help but see it. The clarity in the lesson is so obvious that I am amazed at how clueless I was.. Here’s what happened.
I am committed to writing and publishing a blog once a week. Recently I changed my target day to Wednesday – oops, yesterday was Wednesday. By late afternoon I not only hadn’t written the blog – I still didn’t know what I was going to write about, and I kept reminding myself that I didn’t know. Not only that, I heard myself telling me “you don’t have time to write it even if you did know what to write.”
Suddenly it occurred to me to listen to what I was saying to myself, which meant listen to what I was expecting. What an obvious manifestation I was having of my thoughts. Our thoughts create our reality – right? That is the platform from which I speak and write. Instantly, it became so clear – I was experiencing my expectations!
Not only was I experiencing my expectations – they didn’t feel good. Let’s be truthful here — negative thoughts never feel good, and the stress they caused in my body weren’t feeling good either. So, what might I accomplish if I changed my thoughts – my expectations – to what I wanted? I experimented. I told myself, “I know what I want to write and I easily have time to get it written and published.”
How would this new expectation feel? I knew I had to be able to feel it to have it manifest. Using our imagination is having a super-power at our finger tips – it’s the creative juice that brings our thoughts into manifestation. I imagined how it would feel to know what to write, and it felt good – really good.
And then the phone rang — I heard myself telling my friend about my struggling with the blog, and that I was experimenting with what might happen if I turned my thoughts around, changed my expectations and imagined how that would feel. You know what she said? “That’s what you need to write about! What you just said made me think differently – we all need to hear this.”
Here’s the take-away from my story. Pay attention to what you’re thinking in everyday moments of your life. Ask yourself, “what are my expectations even about these small things? How are they affecting the quality of my life?” We far more more powerful than we choose to realize. I am pretty sure we all deserve far more than our thoughts and expectations are allowing.
So very true. Thanks for the inspiration, this is a daily struggle for me.
Sometimes I find it a “many times a day” challenge. It is exciting to be aware of negative expectations and know I can shift the energy. How did we live so many years not knowing and being “at the effect” of them?!
Find myself doing this more than one time a day ~ however, I am aware and literally turn my body around to remind my mind to have fun with this! Must bring play into these shifts. Thank you Mardi.
Making it fun sounds like a great idea. I’ll try it!